
The Primary Differences Between EDM Wire Cutting and EDM Die Sinking

06 September 2022

Before, manufacturers would turn to manual machining processes to produce various parts and products. They would mostly use tools that can remove materials from workpieces, ensuring they boast the right shape, dimensions, and other qualities.

Today, however, manufacturers have adopted non-traditional machining processes in carrying out their operations. One machining process that they use is electrical discharge machining.

Electrical discharge machining or EDM is a process where materials are removed from a part or workpiece through a series of repeated electrical discharges between the electrodes or the tools and the part being machined. This process is normally carried out alongside a dielectric fluid, which intends to control the electric discharge and absorb heat. Two types of EDM can be carried out by manufacturers. These types are wire cutting and die sinking.

EDM Wire Cutting

EDM wire cutting, also known as wire erosion, wire burning, or spark EDM, applies thousands of discharged sparks on metal workpieces to cut some of their parts. But not all metal workpieces can undergo this process. Only those that are electrically conductive can be processed by EDM wire cutting. These metals include steel, alloy, brass, and titanium.

To conduct EDM wire cutting, the metallic wires must be passed with high voltage so they can cut through thick metal workpieces. The cutting process typically starts from the edge of the workpieces. Alternatively, it can be carried out through a hole so that the interior of the materials can be cut out more conveniently.

When carrying out this process, professionals would often turn to deionised water. This liquid can cool the final part and wash any particles that have been removed through the process. Through EDM wire cutting, hard, fragile, and exotic workpieces can easily boast precise cuts, dimensions, and shapes without acquiring any damage. Some notable parts and products out of EDM wire cutting include extrusion dies and blanking punches.

EDM Die Sinking

EDM die sinking, alternatively, involves pre-machined electrodes made from copper or graphite that feature an obligatory shape. These electrodes are then sunk into the workpieces, which help in producing the opposite version of their shape. The EDM die sinking process is carried out in processing cross-sections, thin walls, and blind cavities or keyways.

When carrying out EDM die sinking, the manufacturer would utilise an insulating fluid, an electrode, and a power supply. The power supply unit is utilised to interconnect the electrode and the workpiece. Once they are connected, an electric spark will generate between them. The spark then generates intense heat, melting any surface that it comes into contact. The temperature of the spark may range between 8,000 and 12,000 degrees Celsius.

Unlike EDM wire cutting, the EDM die sinking does not completely cut the workpieces. Instead, it provides operators control over the final output of the workpieces. What is great about EDM die sinking is it can generate products that do not require finishing. It can also process thin and tough materials without any stress and damage.

Aero Spec Engineering offers various engineering capabilities including EDM wire cutting and EDM wire sinking, you can check our services page for more information and call us at Aero Spec Engineering on +613 9547 8178.

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